Technical High School "S.Pertini" Italy
Profile and History of our School
Technical High School "S.Pertini" in Campobasso is one of the most complex and articulated Public High Schools in our region .It is currently composed of two aggregated sites:
- I.T.A.S. Technical School for Social Activities with Material Chemistry and Biotechnology oriented, according to the new organizational system of the school in the technological sector called "Health and Environmental Biotechnology”
- Language School, part of the reform of the second cycle of education, in the field of high schools.
Our School has always showed a marked aptitude to interact with the territory, to be open to European programmmes, to experience collaborative learning, in the educational and training field, to build networks for the sharing and the dissemination of good practices. All the subjects studied take place in teaching laboratories too. This School has twice won the national contest "Centoscuole", organized by Foundation "Fondazione San Paolo" - Turin. It is also:
With a longstanding experience in maxiexperimentation.
It is an ELSQ (quality) member at European level.
It is a Leading School within “ Techne “ National programme for Action 1 in the "Communicating the IFTS system."
It is a Leading School regarding the training for teachers and for other school staff.
It is engaged in “IFTS “ courses.
It is engaged in different research-action programmes within the European network.
It has took part both as a leader and as a " school partner" in several projects of the "Leonardo programme".
Technical School: Material Chemistry and Biotechnology oriented.
For many years the school operates in the sector of upper secondary education as a partner for the planning and testing of training courses in health-biology and environmental field currently institutionalized in the new guidelines of the reform of the Upper Secondary High School. And it is the only school in the area to have active the course of " Heath-Biotechnology" that is, by the plan of studies, particularly satisfying, in output, the professions, in different ways, referring to the "Health" section . The actual course is the natural evolution of the previous experiments born, mid-eighties of the last century, from the ashes of the “ Female Technical School “ from which was started the first maxiexperimentation concerning the activation of a Socio –Health Care course. Since the early nineties followed one another, as a natural evolution of the experiment, the Biological course within the "Brocca" project and the Technical High School Environment and Health oriented due to the so-called "Berlinguer reform “ that led to the adoption of the denomination: Technical High School for Social Activities (ITAS). Currently, according to the new organizational system of the Secondary High School in the technological sector is found Material Chemistry and Biotechnology Course in "Health and Environmental Biotechnology “ articulation.
With the new school system, which came into force in the year 2010/2011, after the Reform of the Secondary High School, the identity of Technical Schools is characterized by a solid cultural background in science and technology in line with the guidelines of the European Union, built through the study, probing and the general and specific use of languages and methodologies. This identity is expressed by a limited number of areas of study, related to key sectors which are fundamental for the economic and manufacturing development of the country.
In the line of studies there are the two following fields, “Environmental Biotechnology” and “Health Biotechnology” in which the profile is oriented and set.
In the field of “Environmental Biotechnology” we identify, acquire and deepen the skills to master and verify projects, processes and activities, in observance of the norms on environmental protection and on the safety of working and living surroundings, and the study of interactions among energy and environmental systems, especially referred to the environmental impact of plants and the consequent emission of pollutant substances.
In the field of “Health Biotechnology” we identify, acquire and deepen skills related to the methods which characterize biomedical, biological, anatomical and microbiological systems and the use of key health technologies in alimentary, biomedical and pharmaceutical fields, in order to identify the risk and causes of diseases and apply epidemiological studies, thus contributing to the promotion of personal and social healthcare.
After a five- year study of “Materials, Chemistry and Biotechnology”, the qualified student acquires the learning outcomes described in the Regulations of Technical Schools, listed below in terms of skills:
Acquire data and express qualitatively and quantitatively the results of the observance of a phenomenon through its fundamental sheer size and by-product.
Individualize and handle the information in order to organize experiments.
Use the concepts, principles and models of chemistry and physics to interpret the structure of systems and their transformation.
Be conscious of the potentiality and the limits of technologies, in the cultural and social contexts in which they are applied.
Intervene in the planning of activities and the control of the results of the chemical and biotechnological processes.
Devise chemical and biotechnological projects and handle laboratory activities.
Check projects and activities, applying the norms on safety and environmental protection.
In relation to the points listed above the skills are developed consistently with the peculiarity of each course of studies.
The qualified student:
has the specific skills in the field of materials, in the chemical and biotechnological analysis, in the production processes, in relation to the surrounding needs, and in the chemical, merchandising, biological, pharmaceutical, dyeing and tanner fields; in particular the qualified student of the ambits “Environmental Biotechnology and Health Biotechnology” acquires the skills required to prevent and cope with environmental and health risks.
The qualified student is able to:
cooperate, in the productive processes of interest, in managing and controlling some processes, in the handling and maintenance of chemical, technological and biotechnological plants, taking part in the solving of problems tied to them; has the skills to analyze and control the refluxes, respecting the norms on environmental protection;
integrate chemical, biological and microbiological skills, chemical and biotechnological processes of plants, of industrial automation and organization, taking part in the innovation of processes and the related managing and controlling procedures, for the systematic technological and organizational adaptation of firms;
apply the principles and the tools regarding work safety and improving the quality, processes and services of products;
cooperate in the planning, running and controlling of laboratory equipment, in the analysis and development of the process and of the product;
verify the correspondence of the product to the specifications declared, applying the procedures and the protocol of the area of competence; control the cycle of production using pertaining software, both for the laboratory analysis and the handling of plants;
be aware of the potentialities and the limits of technology in the social and cultural context in which they are applied.
Language High School
Starting from school term 2010-11, the new structure of the curriculum, according to “ La Riforma “ began in all the first year classes that follow the order in the field of “ Liceo “ high schools.
The course of study of the “Liceo Linguistico” (Linguistic High School), characterized by the study of multiple languages, guides the student to deepen and develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to acquire the mastery of various languages ( English, French, German and Spanish) and to critically understand the historical and cultural identity and traditions of different cultures. For each language there is a corresponding European certification. This line of study was established, together with the biomedical course, when the former “Istituto Tecnico Femminile” (Female Technical School) was transformed into an experimental linguistic school which, after a few years, became the linguistic course of the so-called “Brocca Project”(Progetto Brocca) and which was further changed within the reform of secondary schools becoming the Liceo Linguistico (Linguistic High School) as we know it today.
The second two-year study is aimed in-depth analysis and the development of knowledge and skills and in the maturation of competencies that characterize the individual articulations of the high school system.
In the fifth year we pursue the full realization of the educational, cultural and professional background profile of the student, the full achievement of specific learning objectives and the path of guidance to higher education and inclusion in the labour market are consolidated.
The path of the Language High School is directed to the study of several linguistic and cultural systems. It helps the student to deepen and develop knowledge and skills, to develop the abilities necessary to acquire the mastery to speak three languages, besides Italian and critically understand the historical and cultural identity of customs and different cultures "(art. 6 comma1). The students, at the end of their studies, besides achieving normal learning outcomes will:
• have learned in two languages modern structures, methods and communication skills at least equivalent to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference;
• have acquired in a third modern language structures, methods and communication skills at least equivalent to Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference
• be able to communicate in three modern languages in various social contexts and in professional situations using different textual forms;
• recognize in a comparative point of view structural elements that characterize the studied languages and be able to pass easily from a linguistic system to another;
• be able to deal in a language different from Italian the specific subject contents;
• know the main cultural characteristics of the countries of which they have studied the language, through the study and analysis of literary, aesthetic, visual, musical, cinematographic works, of the basic outlines of their history and their traditions;
• Be able to compare oneself with the culture of other peoples, taking advantage of contact and exchange opportunities.
Further study, employment and career opportunities:
Job opportunities for students qualified at Language High School are those whose specific is connected to the intensive use of foreign languages: translators and interpreters, communication and linguistic and cultural mediation with outlets in the diplomatic, journalistic and touristic sector.
The achieved Diploma enables, in particular, access to all University faculties and the possibility to fit easily into the labour market (advanced tertiary).
In addition, the knowledge of languages, regardless of the faculty, offers major possibilities of attending university courses abroad and allows students to deepen their preparation through direct access to the original texts or to the texts not yet available in translation.
The outlets in the system of higher vocational education
Next to the university course, the Language High School provides the general knowledge required to attend post-secondary courses focused more on the technical-applicative level and with a variable duration: in particular, it refers to the skills activated by the State in collaboration with Universities, Regions, Local Authorities, the labour market, training for professions such as interpreters and translators, librarians, museum outfitters, public relation staff, tour operators, experts in mass communication.
Immediate professional outlets
The Language High School provides a pre-professionalism in the field of languages that today can find direct application in companies that prioritize commercial relations with foreign countries and that, therefore, before the administrative capacities need language skills; it is a mediating figure between the administrative and accounting specialists and the outside world, which is particularly valuable to contact and relate with customers.