The Second Meeting of  Erasmus+ Project

“Tolerance – Our Common Language” in Lithuania

The week from May 7th to 11th was an extraordinary one to the community of Juliaus  Janonio Gymnasium - the school hosted the meeting of international partners of the Erasmus+ project “Tolerance – our common language”. Lithuanian students welcomed the guests from Romania, Turkey, Italy and Portugal.

The main goals of the meeting:

  • To increase tolerance and understanding:
  • Raise awareness about the European diversity and cultural identities:
  • To promote equality and  integration.

The main topic of the meeting – “Cultural fair”.

The participants of the project had an opportunity to try a lot of different activities. First, they discussed the problems of their countries, cities, schools and analysed them in the Round table discussion. The discussion was a warmer-up and preparation for the Forum Theatre event on the second day of the meeting. Students were provided with different problems ( e.g. gender inequality, bullying, drug abuse, etc.) related to tolerance or intolerance and had to prepare scenarios working in groups. The most interesting and involving part of the Forum Theatre were the performances and the discussion.

During the second part of the day, the project group celebrated the “European day” together with the visitors of the day care centre “Goda”. All the participants worked in blended groups and took part in various creative and physical tasks together with the disabled. The activities included painting, modeling clay flowers, dancing, playing football.

 There were cultural fairs every evening – project’s partners showed their country’s traditions and customs, taught everybody their folk dances, songs and games. All participants got to know Lithuania’s culture, traditions and national heritage – everyone made themselves leather key chains at Ch. Frenkel villa, felt some wool and made candles at Pakruojo manor house, tasted their own hand-made sweets at “Rūta” sweets’ factory.

The project participants could also improve their skills in team work during the orienteering sports event  around the city “Olympic Challenge – City of the Sun”. The main goal of the competition was to encourage the children and young people of the city, as well as our guests, to take an active interest in the history and the present of the city while travelling. There were 4 groups according to the age of the competitors, including the project teams, 29 teams all in all.

Here you can find some pleasant moments from the competition:


Created with flickr slideshow.






 Tilžės st. 137  LT-76348 Šiauliai  Lithuania  Tel.: 370 41 52 33 73, 370 41 52 33 75  Fax.: 370 1 52 33 73  E-mail:



Erasmus+ strategic partnership

for Schools only Project




Šiauliai Juliaus Janonio Gymnasium

May 5 -13, 2018

Saturday May 5, 2018 (Romania)

An aquiantance with Šiauliai city/ Family time for students

Sunday, May 6, 2018 (Turkey, Portugal, Italy)

Foreign partners‘ arrival and accommodation (hotels and host families)


Monday, May 7, 2018

09:00 The opening ceremony and official welcome at school

09:30 A brief excursion at school

09:50 Coffee break

10:00 A Roundtable Discussion (facilitated and hosted by Lithuanian students)

12:30 Lunch

13:30 An excursion in Šiauliai (a city center and its famous places to visit)

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Lithuanian Cultural Fair (traditional songs, dances, games)

17:30 Family time for students/ Acquaintance meeting  for teachers at “Menoja“ studio


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

09:00 Forum Theatre (preparation and teamwork)

10:00 Forum Theatre performances

11:00 Coffee break

11:20 Forum Theatre performances

12:30 Lunch

13:30 A visit to a day care center “Goda“ (hands-on activities with the disabled “Let‘s Celebrate         Europe‘s Day“)

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Turkish/Romanian Cultural Fair (traditional songs, dances, games)

17:00 Family time for students


Wednesday, May 9, 2018  


10:00 Project meeting at school

10:30 An educational program in Chaimas Frenkelis Villa ( one of the most popular cultural tourist destinations in Northern Lithuania)

13:30 Lunch

14:00 Italian/Portuguese Cultural Fair (traditional songs, dances, games)

15:00 “Olympic Challenge – City of the Sun“  (an orienteering competition in teams)

17:30 “Olympic Challenge – City of the Sun“  closing ceremony and awards

18:00 Family time for students/ Traditional dinner for teachers at “Kapitonas Morganas“


Thursday, May 10, 2018

09:00 Culture visit:The Hill of Crosses,  Naisiai , Pakruojis Manor

12:00 Lunch (traditional Lithuanian dishes,

13:15 Excursion in  Pakruojis Manor

14:15 Educational activities in Pakruojis Manor

17:00 Free time in Šiauliai: Entertainment Evening (Kane‘s arena/Ice arena/Bowling alley/Cosmos Milky Way)

18:00 Family time for students


Friday, May 11, 2018

09:25 Meeting with English teachers

09:25 Sports activities for students (school‘s gym)

11:05 Re-establishment of the project agenda, reflection on the meeting, dissemination plans (for project teachers)

11:30 Lunch

13:30 A visit to the chocolate museum “Rūta“  and a Chocolate workshop

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 A closing ceremony (certificates, a farewell concert)



Saturday, May 12, 2018

Romania, Turkey, Portugal

Sunday, May 13,  2018


NB : students should have some comfortable clothes and footwear for sports activities